Cool Ideas for the Hot Summer

For you brides that are brave enough to bear the heat and enjoy your special day during these (or next year's) hot summer months, we have a few summery tricks and tips to keep things looking (and feeling!) cool.

Green is everywhere! Whether it is the lush green summer grass or the concept of "going green" this table is an easy way to look and be green as well as save you some of the green you keep in your wallet too!

Fruit is useful for more than just decorating the inside of a clear table...use it on top too! Make your place cards and table assignments ripe by adding them to a piece of deliciousness or boast about your local fruits and veggies by showcasing them in your centerpiece (like Florida citrus! It's hard NOT to stumble upon oranges everywhere around here and it just so happens we LOVE the hot new color palettes that utilize orange and coral! So, be creative with those oranges!)

Lastly look cool while keeping your guests cool. You will make your attendees feel like kids again with summer treats like this! You can find flavors to make them almost any color too!

Don't work around the summer....make the summer work for YOU!