Forget those boring Guest Books!

At The Summerlin House We're all about being Distinctive....
Forget Boring Guest Books!
Be Distinctive with one of these 5 Creative Ideas
from The Knot!

Typewriter Guest Book
Give your guest book a vintage twist by setting out a few antique typewriters for wedding guests to tap out a message. Later, you can bind the pages together to create a book of sweet notes from your family and friends.

Children's Book Guest Book
Here's your chance to make up for all those years your mom wouldn't let you write in your books. Pick a favorite picture book from your childhood (or one that represents your relationship) and have guests sign a page.

Vintage Postcard Guest Book
Collect enough pretty vintage postcards (look online at sites like or on eBay) for each guest to write you a message, then set out pens and a “mailbox” for them to leave the cards in

Vinyl Record Guest Book
Embrace your love of music with an authentic vinyl record (available at most thrift stores) wedding guest book. Set out permanent markers in metallic colors for guests to sign with.

Mad Libs Guest Book
For another childhood throw-back, let your wedding guests fill in the blanks with a Mad Libs-inspired guest book. Create your own at
