Break Out the Baby's Breath

Carnations, baby's breath and salad stations may conjour thoughts of weddings from years past, but what was old is definitely new again!

Carnations, once seen as the prom standby have now become a great choice for brides. Not only are they available all year round and come in a variety of colors, but they are a great cost effective option. The key to pulling off carnations is to pick a bold color, something that is sure to make a splash. They pull double duty as well since they closely resemble peonies which have a very short season.

Not many people would think of having baby's breath as a flower of choice, but surprisingly enough if done right they look amazing. They really capture a romantic and vintage vibe. A wreath of baby's breath is the perfect winter wedding touch. It can stand alone or be paired with other blooms, although pairing it with roses can make it dated.

Simple salad bar, think again. You can make it unique by adding more than just the traditional options. Think about incorporating an olive bar, candied pecans and walnuts and roasted or pickled veggies. As for dressings, vinaigrettes are always a good choice, often light and refreshing and a nice departure from ranch dressing.

While carcicature drawings might remind you of theme parks they are a unique and creative idea for wedding favors. It will not only be memorable but unexpected. It is a fun way to get guests involved and also makes for a great keepsake. While this idea may not be for all brides it is a new spin on wedding favors and entertainment. Just have fun and think of all the endless possibilities there are for your big day!!
